CEADA are accredited to provide DECs and ARs and offer a quick, reliable and competitive service.
We’ve dealt with all sorts of DECs from hospitals to schools to offices to local authorities, and with everything from a single building to a huge portfolio, so contact us if you require a quote or for advice about your requirements.
We’ve also been providing DECs since 2008 when the legislation was introduced, so you can rely on us for future renewals.
Many organisations who do not require DECs by law are carrying them out voluntarily – either to monitor and target reductions in their energy use, or because they are also the simplest audit methodology for buildings allowed under ESOS Legislation.
Since July 9th 2015 the DEC requirement has been extended to buildings over 250m2 that are occupied by public authorities (or institutions providing a public service) that are visited by the public. A valid DEC needs to be ‘prominently displayed’ in the building.
DECs and Advisory Reports for buildings from 250m2 – 999m2 have a 10 year validity, whereas DECs for those for buildings of 1000m2 and higher have a one year validity, with the Advisory Reports lasting 7 years.